Friday, February 13, 2009

Hope and Help
I did a presentation earlier this week on what kids need today and titled it HOPE and HELP . I debated whether to reverse the order because sometimes it is hard to figure out what comes first...certainly when you are struggling to get food, clothing and shelter you need help and once you have that then you can focus on hope.  Hope for a better future, hope that you can provide a life for children, hope for security, hope for good health.  At the same time if you don't have hope you may not seek help because you simply give up.  Kids who have no hope for their future often don't ask for help.  Maybe they have never had anyone give them anything...even cncouragement so why ask for help since it has never been there before.  After speaking I was driving home and thinking what will the new stimulus package offer...hope or help or both...which one will come first?

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